

Creative code blocks

︎creative coding
︎screen printing

︎ In collaboration with Creative Coding Utrecht

︎ Presented at Iterations Creative Coding symposium 2023
Making coding for the first time accessible and fun. This is a work in progress, more information will follow!

During my time as artist in residency at Creative Coding Utrecht I have had the oppurtunity to develop and craft educational resources for children and teenagers, introducing them to the wonderful world of creative coding.

Using wooden blocks that I designed they can easily form their first line of code, taking away the sometimes daunting task of learning syntax. By using Hydra, a visual livecoding environment made by Olivia jack, the code will create fast and impressive result, giving motivation to keep experimenting with coding.

The goal is to offer a straightforward and fun way for learners to get into coding. It's a friendly and educational approach that aims to keep things simple while teaching important coding skills.